Architecture Serverless Strategies: Multi-Account Orchestration Unique challenges arise when an application needs to orchestrate activity across multiple public cloud provider accounts. I explore solution options for account locality, account identification, permissions and region locality.
AWS AWS Session Manager: A better way to SSH SSH can ride on top of AWS' Session Manager, allowing you to improve your network posture, use multi-factor authentication, use fine-grained authorization, and centralize identity, access management and audit.
AWS AWS Multi-Account Strategy: Part 2 In Part 2, I dive into WebomateS cloud's networking, looking at the details of the cross-account VPC peering, subnetting design and network segmentation.
AWS AWS Multi-Account Strategy: Part 1 I recently led the WebomateS team through a massive refactoring, blowing up one AWS account and a flat network, and starting over with three accounts, segmented networks and centralized sharing of IAM users, AMIs and ECR repos